Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mother of the Year?

I don't generally like to engage in enumerating the parenting "flaws" that I might perceive in others. I feel it just opens myself up to similar pointing of fingers, etc.

But clearly there are some (of late in the press) who perhaps should have had maybe a bit more "chlorine in their gene pool". I'm not talking about the "mothers of multiples" and their lives and the lives of their (rather large) broods who seem to be monopolizing the media right now. They are mere "runners-up" in the current Mother of the Year balloting.

No, today's winner goes to Cynthia Roberson of Phoenix, Arizona. This enterprising mother saw a rather creative way to create an income stream to replace the one her family enjoyed while she was employed. She organized her two sons (ages 12 & 14) plus their friends (ages 14-16) and 3 other young men (18-20) into a gang of armed robbers. (She herself drove the getaway car.) [Mom Guilts Kids Into Armed Robbery http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31057070/]

Now the youngest is in protective custody and all of the others, including mom, are facing criminal charges. Desperate people taking desperate measures.


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