Saturday, September 26, 2009

And We're Off...

I'd like to say the day began bright and sunny (as it always has on every other cruise I've ever gone on!) but no such luck on Saturday. It had poured buckets in the early morning hours (giving our new roof a true test!) and was gray and drizzling. After a brief moment of confusion (why would Metro change their bus routes/times on the very day I needed to use it?) the seven of us met as scheduled at Kenmore to begin our bus journey.

Sandie guards a mish mash of backpacks, duffles and large bags while the rest of us venture out to document our trip:

First, Marne, Carol & I wait at the sign, then the guys (Pete, Gerry & Michael) check out the route:

As the weather begins to drizzle (again), we all head for the shelter of the bus stop:

Finally, the bus arrives and we board (with correct change in hand!) and get our transfers. We are officially on our way...

Somehow ('s a bit like herding cats) we get off at (or near as we can tell) the correct stop in downtown Seattle and head across the street to make our transfer to the next bus. We tell the driver (I think each of us...) that we are going to Pier 91 (like he couldn't tell we were headed for a fabulous cruise!) We catch very brief glimpses of the ship as we drive by the Seattle waterfront and over the Magnolia Bridge.

The driver stops and tells us this is the Pier. Gerry & Pete take point and are ( they know any other speed?) headed towards the off-ramp for the bridge and the sign that says "Cruise Ships" but some guy pops out of a truck I didn't even know was there and says if we're looking for the cruise ships, we should head down this stairway I hadn't even seen was there. Yeah...riiiiight. Okay, we headed down the stairs and yelling for the guys (to come and watch our backs). The stairs head down but not all the way to the street level - next thing we know we're walking on the catwalk underneath the bridge. Not somewhere I'd like to be in the dark...heck, I'm not liking it in the daylight!

Carol is trying to get our picture as we head down another set of stairs. But she's met at the bottom by an older guy in a uniform standing guard in a little tiny shack. He tells her to put away her camera and for the group to get out our passports - we've entered a secure facility. Yeah....riiiight. While I'm trying to figure out which part of this is actually "secure", Marne is trying to get the guy to stamp her passport. He tells her that's above his paygrade, but if we just follow the well-marked pathway (white paint - seems to serpentine from the bridge to the actual pier) we will find our ship waiting for us.

This is much more easily accomplished by the women than the men and pretty soon a little bus starting honking at Michael (who is clearly off the "beaten" path). The driver wants to know if we'd like a ride to the ship and we all jump aboard.

Next up: The Clampetts Become "Penthouse People"

~later, tw

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