We decided this year to give ourselves a little treat (since the team clearly wasn't up to providing anything to cheer about at the end of this "yet-another-rebuilding-effort") and we gathered up all the little "onesies and twosies" tickets and traded them in for a pair of tickets in the All*Star Suite.
I think this is something new this year and there are even people who purchase entire half-season or full-season tickets for this place (though Gerry and I agree that would be really overdoing it!). The Mariners have taken 3 (or possibly even 4) of their existing suites (that probably would have remained unsold most of the season) and redesigned them into a wonderful venue to watch the game. The package includes more food/beverage than you could ever hope to consume (you can purchase beer/wine/liquor right there at the bar in the suite).

The entrees were: Beef Loin (aka Prime Rib) with a mushroom medley and Chicken Parmesan (incredibly moist and, as everything there, wonderfully delicious).

Best of all - the bar served the BEST ICE TEA I'VE EVER HAD AT SAFECO (which I know doesn't sound like much since Safeco's ice tea is HORRIBLE but this was really good tea!)
Oh yeah - there was a game being played by two teams who have absolutely nothing to play for. We thought maybe we would see one last great game by Felix but not so much. Here's to yet another rebuilding year in 2013 (though I'm thinking we will still finish in 4th place in the AL West at least it won't be LAST place since Houston is joining the division).
We still have one more game to enjoy - the final game on Wednesday afternoon - before the season is officially over (for us anyway - I'm going to cheer on the Nats who are going to their first playoff!)
~later, tw
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