The conclusion of our rough-riding was a spectacular view of a small cove/beach with sand which was indeed slightly green in hue (I'll admit I was really hoping for something a bit more emerald in color). The climb down was not an easy one but Marne excitedly scampered down and despite the warning signs did, in fact, come away with a tiny bit of green sand souvenir.

Farther down the road we found the Punalu'u Black Sand Park with lots of families, swimmers and more than a few turtles enjoying the day.
After enjoying some of their world famous malasadas at the Punalu'u Bake Shop, we checked out The Big Island's Volcano Winery. Not terribly easy to find, if you find yourself short of time (or you're really into fine wines), this is one sightseeing option I would probably drop. Fun to wander about but let's just say that I don't really groove on Guava and jaboticaba berry blended wines.
By this time (through not fault of our own), we found ourselves once again near Hilo and so we opted to take the quicker new highway that cuts the island across and allows people to get from one side to the other in a few hours rather than an entire day.
later, tw