Thursday, March 11, 2010

Puerto Vallarta

Well the "grubby hand"-made tortilllas lived up to their hype though no doubt the experience was "enhanced" by an early breakfast, a long bus ride, a very hot day and six shots of tequilla (which also lived up to its hype!) Actually Gerry & I were thinking that this tequila (the first three as you might recall were "for sharing with everyone", "for sharing with really good friends and family", and "for drinking all by your lonesome), was not quite as enjoyable as the ones we had experienced last year. But we were amused to learn that the actual tasting of the tequilla still resembled something akin to lamaze - proper breathing technique is essential.

After the first three shots (when our tastebuds were no doubt completely numb), we then tried the "flavors" of tequilla. No berries this time - the first was peach and it was (as you might expect) nearly thick enough for pancakes...forget the mimosas, go right for the tequilla! But then our guide (Victor - pronouced Veek-tor if you are Latino or VICK-TER if from the US) said that he really likes this one for marinating chicken to BBQ and so naturally that's the bottle that is returning home with us!

Beth and Matt had been salivating for an entire year about the espresso tequilla (me - not so much) and the amaretto tequilla. To each their own! There was apparently a bit of confusion at the "check out" line as Matt wound up paying for the people behind him as well (dang...why does Gerry have to be so fast?) but they got it all figured out while we were munching our "grubby-hand-made" tacos.

~later, tw

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