My niece (Beth) and her hubby (Matt) are participating in the "Rock & Roll Seattle" marathon on June 26th as members of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. As part of their fundraising efforts, they will be working at a booth at the Saturday Market in Anchorage, Alaska, soliciting donations and selling pillowcases (sewn by her mother, my sister Dona and myself) and aprons (sewn by our younger sister, Margo). They weren't kidding about it being a "TEAM" effort!)
I don't know whether to be more proud about Beth & Matt helping to raise funds for this worthwhile effort or their commitment to get up off of the couch and do something positive for themselves as well. They have worked really hard at both and I'm looking forward to cheering them at the finish line this month!!!
Should you be so inclined to donate a little something on behalf of the "Team Knorrs" effort, check out their team website:
~later, tw
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