...many things. It is the birthday month of many celebrities such as daughter
Sarah on March 1st,
Albert Einstein, my niece
Beth and
yours truly all born on March 14th, S-I-L
Travis on March 19th, B-I-L
Roger on March 23rd, a couple of
"granddaughters" -
Elizabeth on the 15th and
Brinley on the 25th and while I'm at it one anniversary - my
sister Margo and her husband Lyle on the 19th. It is also a celebration of all things Pi(e) - especially this year when March 14, 2015 will be 3.1415 (be sure to sample your favorite pie on that day!)
But March is also
National Reading Month and in honor of that I'd like to share with you some of the places where I find deals and steals on e-books:

Sign up for BookBub and you can specify your category preferences. They will email you a daily list with deals found in those particular categories.

Bookperk is a promotion service of HarperCollins Publishers. Sign up is free and they email me a daily listing of a few books (usually 3-4). I think everything is under $5, most are ~$2 and some are free.

I like Pixel of Ink. They email me a listing every day (it's a combination of their morning list plus their evening list of deals and steals). Their website has even more to choose from (like free kindle books and hot deals) and you can browse their lists by genre.
Offering "Free and Bargain books, all you can eat!" this site has three pages of books for Kindle. The first book listed on each page is offered for free so you'll want to cruise thru the entire site to find all the deals available. Sign up and subscribe to get a daily list emailed to you.

And of course you should be subscribing to the Amazon Kindle Daily deals. I receive a daily email highlighting at least five books (the daily deal, a romance deal, a science fiction & fantasy deal, and then another two - bio/memoirs, kids', military, history, etc.)

For those of you with Amazon Prime, you can also sign up for Kindle First Program. (Tricky to find - once you've logged into your Amazon account, under "Your Account" go to "Your Prime Membership" and under Kindle Books you will see that you can choose one featured early release book for FREE every month with Kindle First) You can choose from four different, about-to-be-published books each month from a variety of genre (this month I selected the historical fiction
Helen of Sparta).

And finally, for those of you with Nooks (and yes, I've actually got/read both), you should check out The Nook Blog on Fridays (I check mine on Fridays ~ 7:00 PT) to a weekly free book as well as a week free app/game for your Nook (I think they only run on the Nook Color or higher). There is an ongoing list (so you can see what's been featured on past Fridays) so be sure to check that you are "purchasing" this week's FREE book/app/game but there have been some really great finds to be downloaded here.
Okay these are where I find my next read - how about you? If you've discovered some gem for finding reading material cheaply (or even better FREE) let me know. (I would have included your local library as well but I've found that borrowing books from the library can be a tricky thing that usually involves taking your particular Kindle or Nook to the library and having someone there walk you thru their specific instructions but yes, it is also a great place for getting free, temporary, reads.)
~later, going to get my read on, tw
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