After dinner, we went in search of entertainment on-board. I wasn't too sure what to expect since this was, after all, just a one night cruise. We opted to head for the Vista Lounge and see the
"Visionary Comedian" Paul Wildbaum (part comedian, part mime, part maestro). Mark was determined not to become a "victim" - an audience member hauled up on stage to become part of the act. I'm not entirely sure that Mr. Wildbaum didn't overhear him - either that, or he correctly identified Mark as someone with handbell experience.
That doesn't exactly explain how Michael was selected as well (unless the comedian was just looking for a couple of "ding dongs") but I don't think their performances embarrassed either themselves of the rest of the gang (here's a video of the performance):

Afterwards, Mark & Carol headed back to their cabin to enjoy the luxuries of the penthouse and the rest of us went off exploring. The Golden Princess has
"Movies Under the Stars" - a large screen outdoors by the pool and Gerry & I went to check it out. The staff was just arranging the chaises lounges (and thoughtfully putting out additional blankets as it was quite chilly!). The movie that night was
"Star Trek" at 10 pm and the scent of theatre popcorn already filled the air.

Since we had already planned to join the rest of the gang for
"Cinemastic" (the large production show in the Princess Theatre) we couldn't stay for the movie. But it is definitely on my "bucket list" of things to try on my next cruise!
The show was amazing - songs from all the movies, the singers were great, the dancers were wonderful and it even included a bit reminiscent of Cirque d'Soleil trapezee work. Though it was late when it got over, the gals wanted to check out the Skywalker Lounge on the opposite end of the ship. It is accessed via an escalator that goes thru a futuristic tube to reach the bar - which is the highest point on this ship and the guys assured us that the view is amazing (when not completely overfilled by the twenty-something dance scene...another time, I guess!
Here's a photo of the Golden Princess (I think...it might have been one of the sister ships) that shows the escalator tube at the back of the ship that takes you up to Skywalker Lounge (Gerry shot this photo as we flew over the ship on our way back home...but more on that later!):

Finally it was off to bed for all of us. Trying to squeeze in as much as I could in the limited time in our penthouse, I decided to conclude the evening with a dip in the jacuzzi. Note to self: probably not the best idea to put bubble bath in a jacuzzi (the result is something along the lines of bathing in whipped cream - not exactly unpleasant, but the challenge is trying to get rid of all the bubbles when you're done!)
Next up: Our limo awaits!
~later, tw