They weren't kidding when they came up with that name. Last night when we retired (after a wonderful Italian dinner at Sabatini's), this was the view from our stateroom balcony at 10:45 pm!
The curtains in our stateroom do a great job of blocking all the light at night and creating an illusion of pitch black in the cabin. But as I'm on sleeping on the side of the bed nearest the balcony, I can see a sliver of daylight at floor level. We weren't going to be in Ketchikan for long and we had arranged to meet "the neighbors" (Dona & Roger) for breakfast at 8 am. I figured that bit of daylight meant I should be getting up so I could get my walk in the for the day (Gerry figures my route is closer to 1 1/2 miles and I can do that in 20 minutes...getting closer to goal of 13.1 all the time!)

I peaked outside the curtains to get a better look and saw how beautiful the morning was going to be. Then Gerry told me is was only 3:40 am and maybe a bit early to go walking!!!

After breakfast, Gerry, Dona & I headed into town(unfortunately missing the free bus rides!) on foot to find a fabric store and visit a couple of the many (MANY) stores owned by the cruise lines. The trick is to find the on

es locally owned because you'll get a much better deal on merchandise there. We also found some wild life along the way.
~later, tw
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