Alaskan coastal town, you've seen them all or darn close anyway. Yesterday we spent the day in Juneau. Gerry, Dona & I braved the drizzle-ly weather to walk into town (Dona is participating in the Alaska Shop Hop and so sh

e needed to visit the Juneau store to pick up her block there.) And of course a stop in Juneau is just not complete without lunch at the Red Dog Saloon. Other Juneau highlights: chatting with the owner/chief fudgemaker of Alaska Fudge Company so Gerry could get some tips, checking out the Juneau library (where Dona & Gerry scored a couple of books from the Friends of Library sale for only $.25 each!) and a stop at the USS Juneau Memorial (which we learned went down in the Guadacanal on Friday, Nov. 13, 1942 killing all but 10 sailors aboard including all five Sullivan brothers).

After dinner, we retired to our "reading" rooms (aka cabins). We set sail at 8:30 pm despite the fact that we were still waiting for two passengers and as they were still paging them as we were slowing leaving Juneau I suspect we actually left them behind! The scenery is beautiful - land not too far off our port side with beautiful waterfalls.

When we got up at 5:00 am today, I looked out and saw that there was land not too far off our port side and beautiful waterfalls. I'm not 100% convinced we ever moved but since we were up walking by 6 am and could see us coming into port at Skagway I guess the captain knows what he is doing. Lots of ships here today - the Norwegian Star and Pearl were both in port when we arrived and we could see another ship close on our heels coming in behind us. Should be a busy port day!
~later, tw
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