Monday, April 29, 2013

Accident? I don't think so...

[We take this break from construction/remodel updates to bring you this news just in:]

Wife accidentally kills husband during gun lesson

  • Vodka
  • 3:30 AM
  • Guns
  • Accident?  
I don't think so.

I'm sorry her husband is dead.  I'm sorry she was the one who shot him.  I'm really sorry for those kids - particularly the five-year-old who IS going to remember (possibly the earliest memory that child will have in his life) hearing his mother screaming as she called 9-1-1 and always knowing that his mother was responsible for his father's death.

But accident?  Not so much.  An accident is something that happens for which you have no control, no way to prevent.  These two participants had absolute control and this incident was 100% preventable.

Alcohol + guns is NEVER GOING to = Accident

I'm sure these guns were legally owned and that the owner passed his criminal background test.  I just wished that either one (preferably both) of these individuals would have passed a basic mental test.  Alcohol and guns is a lethal combination.  PERIOD!  Unfortunately I doubt anyone is going to register THAT information.

~later, tw

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